Cysts in the breasts usually is a benign formation, but you don't need to lose your alertness.

Cysts can appear in women's breasts at any age, but most often around the age of 40-50 when there are big hormonal changes in the body - menopause. During this time, the structure of a woman's breast tissue changes – breasts become denser and develop so-called cystic changes. Cysts in the breasts are very common and form in almost 75 % of women in different age groups. They are usually functional cysts. The production of cysts in the chest is mainly due to changes in the balance of hormones – estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin – in the body of the woman.

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Cysts can be in one breast or both. The presence of cysts can be indicated by painful breasts or local redness, but a cyst can also be painless. A woman may find out about cysts by accident, for example by having a breast ultrasonography (USG). Larger cysts may be found by the woman herself during a breast self-examination.

Cyst sizes vary from 2 mm to 6 cm in diameter. The cyst size may change with the menstrual cycle - before periods, cysts may be larger, but they may become smaller as a new cycle begins. Sometimes cysts can also be painful and inflamed.

Cyst formation is affected by:

The biggest worry for women is - do cancer can form from cysts in the breast. The risk of breast malignancy increases with age, so every formation in the breasts should be carefully monitored.

Ultrasonography (USG) of the thoracic glands and, if necessary, mammography of the breast shall be performed to accurately determine cyst size and localization.

Cysts in ovaries

Cysts in ovaries are a common disease that affects many women. These are usually functional cysts that form when the period cycle is impaired. Malignant cysts can also develop in the ovaries, so cysts should be monitored regularly.

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Why cysts in ovaries are formed:

A cyst may not cause any symptoms and a woman may not even suspect there is a cyst in her ovaries. Cysts are detected during ultrasonography (USG) and women who care about their health should undergo gynecologic ultrasonography at least once a year, even in the absence of complaints.

Ovarian cysts are different types and functional cysts are most common due to short - or long-term hormonal imbalance and are usually absorbed within 2 to 3 months. Smaller cysts do not usually cause complaints, but discomfort feelings at the lower abdomen may occur when cyst sizes reach 4 - 5 cm in diameter.

If changes occur in ovarian cells, other types of ovarian cysts that do not absorb but persist may develop. The size of such cysts can increase and the structure changes. Like functional formations, these cysts are most often benign, but can also be malignant formations and already developed oncological disease. A malignant cyst has no marked symptoms at the initial stage.

Symptoms of ovarian cysts:

Using the fiber complex RTS FIBER WFF - cysts in the chest and ovaries decrease by absorption or disappear altogether. New cysts are inhibited, hormonal balance equalized, and menstruation becomes less painful and regular.

How to use RTS FIBER WFf

Course duration: 3 months. The first three weeks are taken 5 g twice a day, regardless of the meal. Then 5 g once a day. After the RTS FIBER WFf course, it is recommended to take 5 g once a week to maintain the results We recommend repeating the full course a year later.

After a full course of RTS FIBER WFF, symptoms of hormonal imbalance decrease or disappear altogether.

Helps to prevent a hormonal imbalance - RTS FIBER WFf

We also recommend taking other RTS FIBER fiber products to improve intestinal function, boost metabolism, and provide the body with the nutrients it needs.

RTS FIBER W improves gastrointestinal function, promotes cholesterol removal, reduces constipation and promotes regular abdominal exits, and restores and maintains intestinal microbiome balance. 1,3-1,4 beta glucan strengthens the body's natural defenses.

RTS FIBER G supplies the body with vitamins and minerals, restores the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthens the heart muscle, improves thyroid function.

RTS FIBER B improves pancreatic function, normalizes blood glucose levels, cleans the liver - reducing fatty hepatosis reduces inflammatory processes.

RTS FIBER Y contains the necessary amino acids, improves metabolism, contains natural vitamin D and squalene that supplies each cell in the body with oxygen.

Always consult your doctor to clarify your diagnosis and possible treatment.
