Stroke symptoms and consequences

A stroke is a localized disturbance of blood flow in one or more blood vessels in the brain, causing a sudden loss of blood supply to one or more brain areas. Acute disturbances of blood flow to the brain are called cerebral strokes and acute disturbances of blood flow to the spinal cord are called spinal strokes.

Stroke can be:

The development of ischaemic stroke is most commonly associated with atherosclerosis and abnormal heart rhythms that cause thrombi in the blood vessels, but one of the most common causes of hemorrhagic stroke is high blood pressure. Stroke is the most common cause of death and disability worldwide, but most strokes can be prevented by attention to the key risk factors for stroke.

Risk factors for stroke:

The signs of a stroke vary depending on which blood vessel is blocked or has broken.

All symptoms start suddenly and it is important to find out from the patient or family exactly when the symptoms started. If signs of a stroke appear, timing and speed are crucial - the first three hours after a stroke are important for both -  life and recovery. It is therefore essential to be able to recognize the symptoms of a stroke and know what to do.

Stroke can also affect young people, so signs of stroke should always be taken seriously, no matter what the age of the patient, and acted upon immediately.

Stroke is most often caused by vascular diseases - atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, vascular malformations, and other factors. The main foci of atherosclerosis occur in the large vessels of the brain - the arteries of the carotid and spinal cord. These gradually enlarge, narrowing the blood vessels, putting additional strain on the blood vessels, as well as reducing the access of nutrients to the blood vessel walls, and forming thrombi that clog the blood vessels.

A hemorrhagic stroke is often a complication of hypertensive disease or atherosclerosis with high blood pressure - the middle and small arteries of the brain are altered. The walls of the blood vessels dilate sac-like and an aneurysm develops. As blood pressure rises, the vessel walls may rupture and blood leaks into the substance, cavities, or membrane of the brain. Hemorrhagic stroke is more likely to occur during physical or mental exertion when blood pressure rises. The quality of the blood vessels is therefore of great importance.

Stroke is most often the consequence of another untreated disease such as high blood pressure, diabetes (high blood glucose), or cardiac arrhythmia.

stroke symptoms and consequences

Signs of stroke:

Overweight and stroke

Overweight and obesity are important risk factors for stroke (in one out of five cases). Increased body weight increases the risk of stroke by 22%, while obesity increases the risk by 64%. Overweight people have a variety of conditions - high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, hormonal imbalances, dyslipidemia, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes - that significantly increase the risk of stroke.

What do I need to know about stroke?

Stroke is directly linked to lifestyle, as it reflects the quality of blood vessels. Atherosclerosis is a consequence of an unhealthy and fiber-poor diet, so the risk of stroke can be reduced by changing lifestyle habits. Start moving more, review your diet, and remember to drink 1,5 liters of water a day.

After a stroke

Every day, patients are admitted to hospitals with different types of stroke - blood discharges or clot blockages. Hospitals provide first aid and acute treatment, but discharge after 7-10 days when symptoms and risks are reduced. A full recovery requires a lot of work by the patient and their relatives. The more serious the brain damage after a stroke, the more severe the consequences. The impairment of mental and physical functions depends on the severity of the stroke, so the recovery process is unpredictable.

Some stroke disorders resolve relatively quickly, others take longer to recover from. Moderate stroke disorders require learning to walk, talk, and do routine activities again, while severe stroke disorders can have irreversible consequences, up to and including disability - serious mental and physical impairment.

Rehabilitation plays an important role in the post-stroke period. A physiotherapist will improve the patient's physical condition, while an ergotherapist will teach how to move properly if there are mobility problems.

Nutrition is important, as it is the only way to provide the body with the nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fiber it needs. Fast food, fatty and salty foods, sugary drinks, and foods containing artificial sweeteners, flavor enhancers, and preservatives should be excluded from the diet.

We recommend using RTS FIBER food supplements to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs. RTS FIBER is 100% natural and contains no artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and flavor enhancers. RTS FIBER has a high bioavailability - the active substances are fully absorbed by the body and provide the desired effect.

Daily use of RTS FIBER:

RTS FIBER G provides the body with vitamins and minerals, promotes lipid elimination, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, and improves the quality of blood vessels.

RTS FIBER B improves gastrointestinal function, promotes pancreatic function, helps maintain optimal blood glucose levels, and reduces fat deposition in the liver.

RTS FIBER Y boosts metabolism, is an excellent source of amino acids, creates satiety, promotes optimal weight, and contains squalene, which supplies oxygen to all cells in the body.

RTS FIBER APi cleanses the body by eliminating slags and toxins, improves gastrointestinal function, and reduces the effects of parasites on the body.

RTS FIBER can be used for long periods and in combination with medication. RTS FIBER helps reduce the harmful side effects of medicines and promotes a more complete effect. After the course, it was recommended to revise the dosage of the medicine, as the body is cleansed and the effect of the medicine is more effective.

Always consult your doctor to clarify your diagnosis and possible treatment.

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