Immunity is the body's ability to fight infections and keep many serious illnesses from developing.

Frequent infections of the virus and bacteria, feeling unwell, fatigue, thin hair, and brittle nails are signs of weak immunity. There is non-specific or hereditary immunity and specific or adaptive immunity.

Non-specific immunity is associated with hereditary biological features of the organism. It is a very stable form of immunity that we inherit from our parents and is provided by lymphatic tissue throughout the body. This immunity ensures immediate protection of the body against microbes, viruses, and fungi and helps the specific immunity to start working.

Specific immunity develops throughout life and is not born to offspring. This immunity is formed in the face of various external environmental factors and disease agents when the body produces antibodies against a particular disease. If a recurrent illness occurs, the body recognizes it, and leukocytes react and produce antibodies to fight the disease.

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Pregnancy and childbirth are an important part of the immune system for women. How pregnancy and childbirth go largely describes how a woman's immune system works. The beneficial effects of breast milk on the development of the child's immune system are undeniable.

One way to improve immunity is through vaccines which are artificially acquired immunity. While vaccines are an effective tool to protect the body against certain diseases, they can also have serious side effects, so the decision to receive the vaccine must be thoughtful.

The artificially acquired active immunity is achieved by the administration to the body of vaccines containing appropriately processed agents (antigens) of the disease that produce antibodies in the body. Establishing immunity can only be judged in repeated contact with the agent of the disease: the immune body ills in a mild form or does not get sick at all. Different people may have different resistance to the same disease due to the individual characteristics of immunity

Healthy immunity performs the body's protective functions and protects it from infections. A sign of weak immunity is the body's inability to fight infections and various diseases. Infectious diseases are caused by different organisms - bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites - and many of these organisms live in or on our bodies. They are usually harmless or even useful but can cause illness under certain conditions. Infectious diseases can be transmitted from a person with insect or animal bites, as well as skin injury.

The fight against the disease is first started by lymphocytes in the blood, passing information to specific cells, or macrophages and neutrophil lymphocytes, located in lymph nodes, spleen, and almonds. These cells absorb “enemies,” so lymph nodes tend to increase when they become ill. T lymphocytes then signal the protection needed, and B lymphocytes in the bone marrow develop immunoglobulins, or antibodies, to fight pathogens. They attract “strangers” and remove them from the body. B lymphocytes produce specific antibodies that are effective against a specific disease agent, forming what is known as immunological memory.

High hygiene standards change immunity and promote allergic reactions, so an overly sterile environment is even harmful to immunity. The body needs contact with bacteria and microbes before immunity can build up.

When the immune system works with overload for an extended period, confusion occurs in the body and immunity can no longer distinguish who “strangers and the bad” are and who “theirs” are, and the body starts attacking its tissues. This is known as autoimmune disease, autoimmunity is the targeting of immunity against your body instead of fighting viruses, bacteria, and other diseases, leading to inflammation, degenerative processes, and diseases. It is a hyperactive immunity response to the body's own organ systems. Autoimmune diseases are becoming more common.

Three main risks of autoimmune disease are distinguished:

How immunity is affected by intestinal function

The body's immunity is directly linked to the gut's microflora, and so the gut is called the heart of the immune system - it's what manages the whole body's protective functions. Gut bacteria feed on balanced fiber, so it's important to include balanced fiber in your daily menu.

If immunity falls, microflora becomes fertile ground for infections that further reduce immunity when aggressively attacked. The RTS FIBER soluble and insoluble fiber complex is particularly important in preventing infectious diseases as well as fighting their consequences, as it helps restore and maintain intestinal microflora balance.

The gut microflora is very fragile and its balance is influenced by many factors, particularly nutrition, which is the cause of many serious illnesses these days. Obesity affects immunity because fat cells produce inflammatory substances that can cause a variety of chronic diseases.

Immunity must not be impaired or too active to protect the body. The natural body's protective barriers are the skin and mucous membranes that spread the respiratory and digestive tract. Bacteria in the gut form a microbiome that affects immunity, skin condition, weight, and blood cholesterol levels. Damage to intestinal walls or mucous membranes interferes with the absorption and synthesis of the body's minerals and vitamins, so immunity becomes more fragile. Vitamins and minerals act as biological catalysts to strengthen the immune system and help maintain antioxidant levels that provide the body's resistance to infections.

The good microbiome bacteria can also be harmed by antibiotics. Immunity is affected by psychoemotional and physical overload, medication, and pregnancy. Immunity is weakened by the use of a growing number of products containing chemicals such as preservatives, artificial dyes, flavor enhancers, and artificial sweeteners. In 80% of cases, human health depends on the person himself, not on medicine.

How to boost immunity with RTS FIBER

The fiber complex RTS FIBER provides a unique, properly balanced combination of soluble and insoluble fiber that cleans the gut, restores microflora balance, activates the digestive system, and supplies the body with the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids. The component immunomodulator 1,3-1,4 beta glucan significantly increases the body's immunity and defenses.

RTS FIBER W cleans the intestinal tract, effectively restores and maintains intestinal microbiome balance, prevents cholesterol from depositing in blood vessels, improves gastrointestinal function, and promotes regular abdominal exits. 1,3-1,4 beta glucan boosts immunity.

RTS FIBER APi helps clear the gut from parasites, reduces inflammatory processes, and has antibacterial properties, and body detox.

RTS FIBER B improves pancreatic function, helps maintain optimal blood glucose levels, and reduces inflammatory processes, greasy hepatosis risk, and drug side effects.

RTS FIBER G strengthens the heart, blood vessels, and vascular walls, improves thyroid function, reduces haemorrhoidal nodes, and attracts and removes excess fluid from the body.

RTS FIBER Y activates metabolism, helps maintain vitamin D levels, creates a sensation of satiety, and reduces cravings for sweet foods. The squalene provides oxygen to the body.

Always consult your doctor to clarify your diagnosis and possible treatment.

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