You can protect yourself from diabetes by changing your lifestyle.

Diabetes mellitus (CD) is a disease caused by metabolic disorders, driven by pancreatic malfunction or insulin resistance, or reduced sensitivity. The basic function of insulin is to get glucose into cells from the bloodstream to be used to generate energy - in the brain, muscles and organs where it is needed to provide life processes and metabolism. Without insulin, glucose remains in the blood.

diabetes mellitus RTS FIBER

Insulin is a hormone produced by the ß (beta) cells of the pancreas, which are located in the islets of Langerhans, which are placed mainly in the tail part of the gland and is 1 – 3 % of the gland's mass.

Diabetes is one of the most common causes of death in the world, and every day doctors make that diagnosis in thousands of people around the world. But figures from the International Diabetes Federation show that one in two people do not know they are suffering from diabetes at all. Any illness in diabetes patients can lead to serious complications.

The main risk factors for diabetes include an unhealthy diet, a low-moving lifestyle, being overweight and obese, taking medication, depression, prolonged stress, increased blood pressure, increased blood cholesterol and triglycerides, and fatty liver (liver steatosis).

Signs of the disease form gradually, so they are often undetected.

Symptoms of diabetes mellitus:

There are several types of diabetes: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes and gestational, or pregnant, diabetes. Common in all cases is insulin shortages or insulin resistance, however the causes and chances of control vary.

Type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes requires insulin and is the only way to prevent insulin deficiency. Type 1 diabetes usually affects children and young people. About 10 – 15 % of all people with diabetes have type 1 diabetes.

This type of diabetes is an autoimmune disease - the pancreas does not produce the hormone insulin because the immune system has destroyed its cells. The disease has nothing to do with lifestyle or too much sugar intake.

Because pancreatic beta cells do not produce enough insulin, insulin deficiency occurs and should be administered by injection from the time the disease is detected for type 1 diabetes, as this is the only way to compensate for insulin deficiency.

Betacell damage is irreversible and the pancreas no longer recovers. At this point, there is no clear answer as to why this is happening. Insulin should be replaced in patients with type 1 diabetes to survive.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes - 85 to 90 % of all diabetes patients suffer from it. If, in the past, the elderly were mostly ill with it, the disease is getting more and more “younger” these days, with more children, adolescents and young people suffering from diabetes. The onset of diseases is also influenced by genetics.

In this disease, the pancreas produces insulin, but not enough and less and less. The other problem is that insulin does not work effectively because of insulin resistance, and lifestyle factors such as being overweight, sedentary, unhealthy diet, food additives, artificial sweeteners, high blood pressure, and taking medication increase the risk of developing the disease. This is why type 2 diabetes is known as a modern lifestyle disease.

Most cases of type 2 diabetes can be prevented by dietary and lifestyle changes, so timely diagnosis is important in prevention and treatment. If lifestyle changes are not enough, medicines that lower blood sugar and sometimes need insulin injections should be used.

Gestational diabetes

Gestational, or pregnant women's diabetes, is a carbohydrate metabolic disease that produces elevated blood sugar levels and is first detected during pregnancy. It's a special type that doesn't match either type 1 or type 2 diabetes, and also most often transitions after a baby is born.

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About 9 % of expectant mothers experience insulin resistance during pregnancy, which leads to gestational diabetes.  The frequency of illness is due to physiologically increasing insulin resistance during pregnancy. Although the pancreas works in enhanced mode, the insulin produced may not be enough.

More and more women of childbearing age already have changes in the metabolic process of sugar, or carbohydrates, which significantly increases the risk of gestational, or pregnant, diabetes.  After the birth of a baby, it is important to monitor blood glucose levels to prevent the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy is one of the most common complications during pregnancy, so it is important to work with your midwife or doctor to control it.

What to do?

According to studies, a regular intake of balanced fiber significantly reduces the risk of developing diabetes. It is important for diabetics to maintain optimal blood glucose levels and to avoid rapid fluctuations in blood glucose levels, i.e. blood glucose levels should not drop or rise rapidly.

The soluble and insoluble fiber complex RTS FIBER slows down the process of food intake in the gut, so fluctuations in blood glucose levels are less pronounced.

RTS FIBER W cleans the gut, adjusts the abdominal output helps remove lipids from blood vessels, reduces atherosclerosis risk, restores and maintains the intestinal microbiome balance, 1,3 - 1,4 beta glucans support the body's natural defenses.

RTS FIBER B significantly reduces blood glucose levels and promotes pancreatic and kidney function, reducing the risk of liver obesity.

RTS FIBER G strengthens the heart muscle and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, preventing the formation of haemorrhoidal nodules.

RTS FIBER Y improves metabolism, promotes fat changes in the body, and contains squalene that supplies each cell in the body with oxygen.

RTS FIBER API antibacterial and antiviral effects, reduce inflammatory processes, promote body cleansing and detoxification, improve gastrointestinal function, and strengthen immunity.

Regular use of RTS FIBER reduces the dose of insulin required. RTS FIBER improves gastrointestinal function, promotes complete nutrient absorption, and enhances enzyme, vitamin, and hormone synthesis.

Always consult your doctor to clarify your diagnosis and possible treatment.

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